
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The difference between a mom and a physical therapist for kids

As a  PT for kids you would assume that I know what to do with kids, I have built my career on it after all!  But being a mother I have found basically erases any and all knowledge of what I know I SHOULD do...

There is a sympathy factor that I lack as a PT, I am fine with kids whining and whining doesn't stop an activity, but tears do.  As a mother I give in to the whine way too much!  It just tugs at my heartstrings when my kids whine or cry!  I know that when Jemma takes a toy from Charlie for the 20th time I should probably take it from her and give it back to Charlie, but both Charlie and I have a soft spot and dread of Jemma crying - so I don't.  Charlie will usually let his sister take his toys, tug on his ears, pull his hair without even a whimper (unless I haven't cut her fingernails for awhile)!  In Jemma's world what's hers is hers and what's yours is hers!  As a PT I would likely counsel a mom on just what to do in this situation (likely the advice would have something to do with just ignoring the tantrum that just occurred because a toy was given back to Charlie) but as a mom I find myself coaching Charlie how to keep his toys instead.  I know I'm just trying to avoid a Jemma tantrum (I'm sure I will live through plenty of them but at 8 months it seems a little early for her and I to go to battle over anything).

As a PT I would be very bold and give Jemma's beloved bath toy (a sand sifter $0.50 at Target, I'll never understand why this became her beloved toy, but if I would let her she would take it to bed with her) to Charlie at least once to explore it and see what he's missing - but as a mom tonight I was totally chicken and just hid the bath toy and didn't even bring that one out!  Jemma throws herself into a tantrum every time I take it from her even when bath time is over and it's time for a bottle!!

It's the same with nighttime.  As a PT I wouldn't bat an eye at letting a baby of 8 months cry for at least 10 minutes in the middle of the night before going in to give them a bottle, but as a mother, of Charlie, I find myself in their room with a bottle before I can even fully open my eyes because I hear his cry.

There is another factor I have as a PT that I don't seem to have as a mom and that is creativity for new activities, games, and songs to get kids to do what I want and need them to do in PT to progress in their development.  At home as a mom I find all three of us are bored more than I care to mention and I am truly embarrassed by this fact! 

My babies are generally very happy and really don't cry very often unless they are hungry or tired, but who knows what the future will bring!  Every day that goes by they get easier and harder at the same time!  I never expected to have this shift with my own kids!  Just goes to show you - or show me!!!!

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